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Living Audaciously


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About the book

Renaissance artists (14th to 16th century AD) were at the forefront of redefining every aspect of human development, marking an unprecedented shift for human civilisation. 


Their paintings were a clear break from the past in portraying Biblical stories. The Old Masters portrayed human predicament with unmatched intensity and their characters invested with movement, dynamism and emotion never before seen in earlier paintings.


Do Renaissance artists have a message for us today? How do we live differently in the light of their message?  


This is the starting point for the author as he interprets the paintings in today’s context. The book contains 30 paintings most of them from the Renaissance period. Every one of these paintings provides an important reflection that challenges you to live to the full and to live audaciously.  

Q&A with the Author

Where did your inspiration for writing Living Audaciously come from?

I came across Henri Nouwen’s book ‘The return of the prodigal’ some years ago. It is an exposition on Rembrandt’s painting by the same name. As I reflected on it, I realised, for the first time, the number of gems that are hidden in a work of art. I began to look at paintings more carefully and suddenly a new world of art opened up before me. 

How did you choose the artwork that you included in the book?

Early on, I found it easier to relate with classical renaissance art. And there are large number of Renaissance art based on Biblical parables and stories. I wanted to start with common Biblical stories that people could recall easily rather than obscure stories from Greek mythology. The other factor in the choice of art was its ability to speak to a range of life themes.

What is the importance of learning about the history behind renaissance art?

It is interesting to learn the artist’s biography and to understand their passion for perfection. All painters were rebels at heart. Many of them led dysfunctional lives and a large number of artists died in poverty. Perhaps because of all the life challenges they faced, they were able to convey human predicament with a sense of reality. This makes interpretation of art most interesting. For example, Caravaggio’s biographical account is tragic. He had to live in exile as a result of a murder that he committed. He was regularly getting into fights with others. His art conveys the raw message of the story with no cover up or sensitivity.

How has your experience as a healthcare professional and strategy advisor assisted you in interpreting renaissance art?

Healthcare and organisational management is all about human emotion and behaviour. Art provides great insights into human behaviour and its consequences. Combining art with Biblical stories provides extraordinary understanding on how we must live and live it well. Art is also an interesting way to illustrate how life and leadership works. Both these are important in managing organisations. 

As an author, what literary difficulties did you encounter while writing Living Audaciously?

I would have liked to have an experienced author or a publisher mentor me specifically with feedback on the overall structure and message of the book. 

What was your creative process to successfully develop Living Audaciously from concept to publication?

I just had to immerse myself in the world of art to really understand how the mind of an artist works. And I had to keep writing and reading a lot of related work. I found that as I wrote, I understood more. It is like finding a way through fog. As you move, you find the path in front. 

What was the most interesting piece of information you learned about while writing the book? And did you gain new knowledge from what you learned?

I was surprised to find the artists’ (particularly Renaissance artists) intentional in conveying a particular story and its message. Their approach was not random or chaotic. They were painting the story with a particular angulation which was interesting and rejuvenating. Though none of the artists were theologically trained, their interpretation of the story was of someone who had a deep insight into both human behaviour and theology. 

Through this process, I have become more confident of reflecting and interpreting art.

How have Biblical stories influenced the work of Renaissance artists?

Greek mythologies and Biblical stories were the two main source of themes for the artists during the Renaissance period. But for common people of the day Biblical stories were more familiar and so they were able to identify with these themes. The other reason artists tended to do Bible based themes was the main source of funding and key patrons were from the churches. Often the Pope himself commissioned works of art like for example Sistine Chapel art by Michelangelo. This began to change towards the end of Renaissance period. 

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